Wedding for Bridget and Ben Firstly, what a fantastic venue; the newly opened stables at Tannington Hall, Suffolk has everything you could ever wish for in a classy venue with a great equine theme, and even the odd tractor or farm machine cleverly positioned in the roof of the barn. […]
Bumped into an old pal of mine the other week, we used to work at Initial Solutions Inverurie. He moved on to start his own business in photo booths, with just one and now runs about five at the last count. These clever units are put together on site in […]
Engagement disco at the Carmalite Hotel in Aberdeen. Just a few pictures as I managed to turn off the flash so a lot are too dark to use! I think I know where all the Ribena berries go to be squashed. Great room, huge and glitzy, great acoustics, really clean […]
Double gig at the Kintore Arms in Inverurie this week. Starting with a wedding for my mate Dave; his disco kit as featured in picture, and my expertise (superstar DJ at work I may add). The night went well! Not many snaps as I was busy with the tunes, but […]
I love Scotland and every single thing about it since I moved here ten years ago, but I have to say in my opinion that the Scottish traditional wedding with its pipes and bands (the full kit kilt and all), plus the dedication to detail just can’t be beaten wherever […]